Police officer hands on a security fence during a riot

Countering Threats: The Range of Weapons Riot Gear Can Protect Against

Communities rely on police officers to combat crime and keep the peace. Many acknowledge that the job regularly puts otherwise ordinary citizens in extraordinary situations. What few realize is the men and women tasked with protecting and serving suffer an inordinate number of on-the-job injuries and fatalities. A Bureau of Labor Statistics review of violence against officers from 2021 to 2022 demonstrates the dangers of working in law enforcement.

  • Police officers spent 1,120 days on restricted duty due to injuries.
  • Police officers were out of work for 5,560 due to intentional injuries.

From 2021 to 2022, more than 225 officers lost their lives in the line of duty as a result of intentional fatal injuries or homicide. The complex data proves that women and men who maintain the thin blue line between civilized society and chaos deserve the best personal protective equipment.

How Does Riot Gear Protect Police From Weapons?

Riot gear manufacturers have a legacy of creating protective suits, shields, headwear, and accessories to support law enforcement in times of crisis. Departments once found themselves in dire need of riot equipment because First Amendment protective protests would turn violent. Too often, officers were put at a disadvantage against armed mobs until special riot units arrived at the scene. 

Today, durable and lightweight riot suits are quickly becoming part of the standard uniform. The enhanced protections of flexible riot suits are designed to minimize threats such as the following:

  • Fire and Explosions
  • Exposure to Hazardous Materials
  • Chemical Burns
  • Slip and Falls
  • Puncture Wounds

Municipality leaders who decide on personal protective equipment for their departments would be well-served to consider the wide-reaching dangers patrol officers encounter. The most consistent menace to life and physical safety involves the use of weapons.

Range of Weapons Riot Gear Protects Against

Understanding how riot gear protects officers from weapons starts with the suit and accessories. Patrol suits are designed to give substantial protection while allowing officers to move freely. Best-in-class riot suits include stab-resistant mesh material at the elbow, shoulder, and other joints. They typically have thick chest and back panels, upper and lower arm plates, as well as thigh and shin guards. These are weapons used to injure, maim, or murder law enforcement officials, and how riot gear protects them.

  • Knives & Edged Weapons: Advanced technologies and new materials have found their way into leading riot suits. The material covering joints, areas of the core, and extremities is designed to resist slashing and stabbing attacks. Thugs with pointed and sharp weapons cannot easily puncture the riot suit material and draw blood.
  • Projectile Weapons: The hard panels integrated into the chest and back area of riot suits can help against gunshot wounds such as buckshot. To truly stop firearm attacks requires Kevlar and other specialized equipment for patrolling, mounted police, and riot situations. Injuries from projectiles such as rocks, bottles, and even steel balls from high-powered slingshots can be prevented.
  • Fire and Chemical Weapons: The Molotov Cocktail remains the most commonly used fire-based weapon deployed during riots. Agitators often bring bottles filled with accelerants and light them after peaceful gatherings turn violent. Fortunately, the plates, panels, and flexible mesh used in state-of-the-art riot gear insulate officers from third-degree burns. The same holds true of most chemical agents thrown at law enforcement.
  • Blunt Force Weapons: It’s not unusual for violent felons to bring makeshift weapons to protests or pick up objects when resisting arrest. These generally include baseball bats, golf clubs, lumber, rocks, bricks, bicycle chains, metal pipes, and many others. Some criminals will use anything they can lay their hands on to strike a police officer and avoid arrest.

It’s also essential for those who wear the uniform to have accessories. Items such as helmets, riot shields, face guards, and protective gloves provide additional protection against wielded or thrown weapons. The last thing a community wants is to withhold essentials from the people who maintain safe streets for their families.

Haven Gear Gives Police Protection Against Weaponized Attacks

Communities ask officers to keep the peace with substantial personal risk, and they deserve the finest protective gear possible. At Haven Gear, we provide full-body riot suits and accessories that protect officers from weaponized attacks, blunt force, trauma, and sharp objects. Check out the complete line of riot suits and accessories available at Haven Gear.