Flexible Riot Suits and Self Defense Tactics
When peace officers are called to a crowd control location, they know they are likely facing negative conditions. They understand that situations can quickly escalate into violence, looting, arson, and lawlessness. The people who keep communities safe are thrust into a heightened incident. This may require defending themselves as well as residents. That’s why local, state, and federal agencies equip frontline officers with specialized riot gear like flexible riot suits.
Outdated equipment is cumbersome and inflexible. To support policing efforts and deliver protections that maximize movement, Haven Gear developed four riot suits. These flexible riot suits help police keep the peace and defend themselves when necessary. These are self-defense techniques law enforcement officials rely on while using the lightweight and flexible riot suits.
Defensive Tactics Protect Against Bodily Harm
Although many crowd control units enjoy specialized training, the rise of peaceful protests turning violent typically requires everyday patrol officers to help restore order. Thus, this puts frontline officers in what experts call a “close combat” situation. Officers need the quickness to block punches and other attempted assaults before an arrest can be made. These are tactics that minimize blows to the body.
- Slips: One of the skills elite boxers possess is the ability to move their upper bodies to avoid contact. This is typically called “slipping a punch.” The technique requires solid footwork and torso flexibility. Old school riot suits impede this defensive technique by weighing users down at the waist. Lightweight Haven Gear models use stab-resistant materials at the hips and waist that enhance flexibility.
- Wraps & Takedowns: One of the advantages of wearing lightweight protection is that officers can sustain a hard impact without disorientation or loss of breath. This allows them to deploy a secondary defense tactic and “wrap up” criminals. Armbars, bear hugs, and other control wraps are the bridge to slapping on the cuffs and charging rioters.
- Blocks: Quelling a riot in close quarters results in officers sustaining some level of impact from violent offenders. Three commonly used methods involve blocking a punch with the arms, body, or lower legs. Classic boxer blocks with the forearm are particularly effective with a riot suit that utilizes lightweight defensive plates.
When the perpetrator’s punch meets a hard plate, they get the worst of the contact. The same holds true of lower leg attacks when shin guards deliver enhanced protections. However, only when using a light-armored riot suit can a crowd control officer literally block a punch with his or her torso.
The Haven Gear suits account for the need to wrap up offenders, take them to the ground, and be able to get back on your feet quickly. Hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, and other joints are covered with flexible protective material.
Defensive Tactics To Repel & Arrest Attackers
Purely defensive techniques can only temporarily promote safety in a riot situation. As multiple unruly people try to inflict injury, police must respond by using tactics to subdue criminals. These typically include delivering quick strikes to disorient aggressors in an effort to repel and arrest. These are defense tactics that require a proactive use of force to avoid landing in the hospital.
- Heel Palm Strike: An open-hand strike to the nose proves to be one of the more effective defensive uses of force. The padding on riot suit gloves protects the officer who jabs at the nostrils. Hitting with the palm of the hand, the attacker experiences disorientation and can be brought under arrest more easily.
- Elbow Strike: Close-quarters combat often puts officers in body-to-body contact with aggressors. As criminal rioters try to grab hold of police, a deftly placed elbow strike delivers non-lethal impact. Elbow strikes are particularly effective when delivered to the torso and head areas. Haven Gear riots suits are equipped with elbow pads that prevent injury to peace officers.
- Shin Kicks: One of the strategic advantages officers possess when in a clustered riot situation is shin guards. Most assailants attempt to use fists or blunt-force weapons in close quarters. But because riot suits have hard plates covering the shins, these can be leveraged to deliver a defense blow to a criminal’s lower leg. The pain and discomfort of sustaining a shin blow can bring a violent offender to the ground.
As an increased number of law enforcement officers are placed in frontline riot situations, the need to be equipped at all times has never been greater. The Haven Gear riot suit line provides flexible comfort that maximizes agility and self-defense. Each line can be quickly accessorized to meet emerging dangers. Thus, officers will be well equipped to protect and serve the community and themselves. The ultimate defense is putting someone who breaches the peace in handcuffs. Contact us today to learn more about our collection of innovative flexible riot suits.