Choosing the Perfect Riot Gear: Factors to Consider for Law Enforcement Professionals
The public perception of police officers wearing riot gear revolves around the need to handle sudden violent protests and restore order. Images of a line of men and women wearing helmets and holding shields make headline news, largely due to their dramatic moment. Everyone who wears a badge also requires heightened bodily protection designed for other circumstances. A recent Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) data analysis from 2021 through 2023 highlights why.
- More officers were killed from 2021 through 2023 than in any other 3-year period in two decades.
- Nearly 80,000 peace officers were assaulted in 2023 alone.
- Officers were attacked while intervening in more assaults than other emergencies.
Municipalities need to keep in mind that violence against peace officers can happen in their community. Data shows that 11.9 percent of all officers were assaulted in 2020, including two-thirds of those working in Alaska. Given more than a quarter of attackers wielded a weapon, there can be no dispute that departments need to maintain an inventory of personal protective equipment, aka riot gear. Choosing the best-suited products can prevent on-duty injuries and fatalities.
Key Factors that Determine Riot Gear Protection Levels
Special units and patrol officers can gain significant protection by wearing riot gear. How well insulated or vulnerable they are depends on wide-reaching elements. That’s why the following factors that go into selecting and adorning personal protective wear for law enforcement must be consistent with risk.
The difference between what a patrol officer requires and a tactical squad wading into a full-blown violent uprising are seemingly worlds apart. Unfortunately, someone patrolling a quiet suburban neighborhood can be called to help prevent property damage and injuries to civilians immediately. Unless the line of protective wear can be quickly upgraded and accessorized, a percentage of the men and women called into action would be put at significant risk.
A patrol officer typically wears minimal defensive products to operate a cruiser, get in and out quickly, and chase down suspects, among other duties. An impact-resistant vest and a few accessories serve as a base. But when a situation erupts, that same patrol officer must level up. A significant factor is choosing a product line that allows users to add arm, leg, hand, and foot protections. It’s also essential to carry a helmet, face shield, and other options in the trunk of a squad car. In other words, riot gear must be efficiently adaptable to emerging conditions.
Mobility and Agility
Dedicating a career to law enforcement is not a desk job. Frontline officers must be able to sprint, jog, bend, and corral dangerous offenders. These and other actions call for gear that allows for free-flowing mobility. An industry-leading product line accounts for law enforcement needs. Flexible, stab-resistant mesh at the body’s extremities will enable users to achieve maximum agility. Protective items that impede mobility and agility negatively impact officers’ ability to carry out their duties, placing them at risk.
Health & Well-Being Factors
Preventing heat exhaustion and related conditions has become a workplace priority in the law enforcement profession. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) launched a Heat Illness Prevention Campaign that prioritizes water, rest, and shade during summer. While guidance speaks to law enforcement, those preventative measures are only sometimes possible.
When putting on complete crowd-control outfits, internal temperatures can spike. For this reason, choosing relatively lightweight protective suits is mission-critical. The best riot gear manufacturers integrate heat defenses such as hydration systems. The ability to remain hydrated under duress helps members of law enforcement complete their shift without a visit to the emergency room.
Choose Riot Gear That Meets Regulatory Standards
Police protective equipment and gear must meet the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standards. Helmets, face shields, and body armor manufacturers are tasked with meeting or exceeding quality, durability, and effectiveness benchmarks. Complying with federal mandates involves subjecting designs to tests, such as stab resistance. Ensuring personal safety calls for only building an inventory of protective equipment that meets NIJ guidelines.
Haven Gear works with police departments and law enforcement agencies to provide superior protective gear and accessories that exceed industry standards. Contact us today to learn more about our products, and let’s start the process.